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Issue 10: Winter 2000
Criss and Class Struggle in Latin America
Notes of the Quarter
WTO--Crashing the bosses' party; The Battle in Seattle--Eyewitness report; Thieves Kitchen--Slicing up the world; New York Transit workers
Latin America: Birth of Resistance
Lance Selfa
The Left in Latin America
Lance Selfa
Colombia: the Terrorist State
Tristan Adie and Paul D'Amato
Can Mexico's rulers weather the storm?
Todd Chretien
Toward a democratic labor movement in Mexico
Dan laBotz
The fall of Stalinism 10 years on
Anthony Arnove
World War II: The good war?
Ashley Smith
The Mark Twain they didn't teach us in school
Helen Scott
Book Reviews
American men betrayed; U.S. profiteers in Latin America; Books on the Balkans and U.S. intervention; Whey does anyone go hungry?; Pat Buchanan's racist rant