Derek Wright responds:

Derek Wright responds to "In the spirit of solidarity"

Thank you for your letter, empathy and donation. It means so much to me that people are hearing Kelley’s story and doing something positive out of it.

As far as adding your dad—absolutely! The fund is meant to honor and remember anyone lost to a dangerous workplace, whether the death occurred on the job site or not.

I’m in the process of setting up There’s now a section for biographies of the people being memorialized by the fund. I’d be happy to put up a page for your father if you’d like—please send me the dates of his birth and death, his union local (since he had one), and anything else you’d like me to publish beyond what you’ve included in your letter.

We’re still working out the dedication page for the first book, but the idea was to have a very brief explanation of the fund, a link to the website, and then a list of the names, dates of their life span, and perhaps occupations, union affiliations, etc. for everyone. If the list starts getting too long to fit on a single page, we’ll either use more pages for the dedication, or trim back to just names (and explain that the full stories for everyone are on the site).

Thanks again!

Issue #103

Winter 2016-17

"A sense of hope and the possibility for solidarity"

Interview with Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz
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